Greetings Old Cahaba Neighbors!
With the current Rental Amendment process in full swing, we wanted to post some reminders and information for some things coming up soon! 1) Town Hall Meetings - Starting next week on Tuesday, 2/11/2025, at 5:30pm will be the first of four "town hall" style meetings at the clubhouse for those that would like to discuss the amendment and/or get some questions answered. We will also be accepting completed proxy ballots at that time and should have plenty of blank forms for those that would like to visit and complete the ballot. See our previous post on all the ways available to submit your proxy votes. Remember, we need around 850 total votes submitted for the voting to be valid! These dates are also a great time to meet your board of directors as well as representatives from our management company, SMS. 2) Drawing for $100 gift card! - One random lucky owner will be drawing from those that have submitted proxy ballots by February 14th! It pays to go ahead and submit those ballots!!
Dear Homeowners,
In September 2024, we sent you a letter explaining the 2 Step Process to amend the Old Cahaba Covenants placing certain restrictions on renting homes in the community. We have successfully completed the first step in this process and this letter is to start the second step which is the actual “Vote” on this amendment. Attached to this post is a Proxy Vote Form (you should receive this in the mail also) to be used for you to cast your vote on the proposed amendment to the Declaration of Protective Covenants for Old Cahaba Residential Association, Inc. The amendment pertains to Leasing/Rental Restrictions (Article 3 § 22). In summary this amendment requires an owner to reside in the home for at least one year prior to renting the property and the term of the rental lease agreement must be for a minimum of one year. The attached Proxy Vote form details the exact language of the proposed amendment. At this time the Special Meeting to count the votes is To Be Determined and you will receive another letter giving you formal notice of this Special Meeting, date, time and place. Voting Options – Please read the attached proxy form carefully, complete it and return it as instructed. Option 1 - If you are unable or prefer not to attend the Special Meeting when it is scheduled, you can still make your vote count. If you know how you want to vote, we encourage you to submit the form in one of the two ways below as soon as possible: • Mail Your Proxy Form - Submit the completed Proxy Form to the Secretary of the Association by mailing it to: Old Cahaba Residential Association 211 Yeager Parkway, Suite B Pelham, AL 35242 • Email Your Proxy Form (PREFERRED) - Email a scanned/photographed copy of your completed form to [email protected]. Option 2 - If you are unsure how you want to vote and would like additional information, we will be holding a series of Town Hall type meetings to discuss this amendment. Meetings will be held February 11th, 13th, 25th and 27th at 5:30pm until 6:30pm at the Old Cahaba Clubhouse. Please attend one of these informational meetings. Option 3 - If you are able and wish to attend the Special Meeting: • Hand Deliver Your Proxy Form –Bring your completed proxy form to the Special Meeting when it is scheduled. At the Special Meeting, to be announced, all the votes submitted will be counted. According to the Covenants, we need 2/3 of eligible owners to vote in favor of this amendment for it to pass. That could be as many as 850 favorable votes. It is extremely important that all owners vote their preference and submit their vote either in person or by proxy. Thank you for your attention to this important matter. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact Selective Management Services at 205-624-3586 for assistance. Good morning everyone,
We wanted to send a big Thank You to everyone that participated and voted in this year's Christmas decoration contest. We had 176 people vote for their favorites and here are the results: 1st Place - 4278 Old Cahaba Parkway 2nd Place - 240 Stonecreek Way 3rd Place - 3012 Stonecreek Trace Congratulations to our winners! The Board will get those prizes out shortly. Thanks again and we hope you have a great week! Good morning everyone,
There are many wonderfully decorated homes in Old Cahaba and the Board had the unenviable task of whittling that list down to a baker's dozen. Below is a link to cast your vote for your favorite as well as a neighborhood map showing each location. Voting is open today and will run through Sunday the 22nd. Prizes will go to the top 3 vote getters and those results will be announced next Monday the 23rd. Ballot Link: Map Link: On a separate note the HOA Board has created a new Facebook profile that residents can follow. They will begin using this profile page to help spread the word on updates, events, announcements, and any other community information in general. You can search “Old Cahaba HOA” or go to the link Mark your calendars for these upcoming Christmas events happening in Old Cahaba:
1) Cocoa With Santa - Thursday, December 12th from 6-8PM at the pavilion (next to the Parkway Pool). Santa will take a break from list-checking to join us for pictures with the kiddos, and there will be plenty of cocoa to keep you warm. 2) Christmas Decoration Contest - Similar to the Halloween decorating contest, we will have another round of voting to choose your favorite decorated home. Houses to make the cut for voting will be selected by the 15th, ballots will be emailed to everyone on the 16th, and winners will be announced on the 23rd. See attached flyer for more information. We wanted to send a few quick updates on some upcoming items within the community.
1) Covenant Amendment Proposal - The requirements for the first phase of this process were satisfied, thank you to everyone who returned the response form! We needed 335 back and ended up with 385. The next phase will begin in January. At that time the official legal wording of the proposed amendment change will be sent to all owners for a vote. We will then need 2/3 of the community, or 883 homes, to cast their vote for or against the change. We will send plenty more information in the weeks to come as we approach this next phase. 2) Parking / Towing- As you are aware the Board recently adopted a revised policy regarding covenant enforcement and the penalties for covenant violations. Those took effect on November 1st. One of the biggest issues we continue to see is parking on sidewalks. Not only is this a clear violation of the Association covenants, it is a violation of local and state law as well as being a major safety issue. Not to mention the aesthetic aspect and its potential effect on property values. In the near future the HOA is going to coordinate with a local tow truck company to begin addressing this as necessary. The normal standard violation procedure will be followed with the requisite amount of written notice with ample time to correct the issue. If the sidewalk parking persists a sticker will be placed on the vehicle giving a final notice, followed shortly thereafter by a call to the tow truck company. Please note that ideally this wouldn't happen even a single time; it is nobody's goal or desire to have the tow truck come. But with the rampant sidewalk parking that continues to take place routinely this was the next course of action. If you have visitors to the home please have them park in the street opposed to the yard or sidewalk. The Association covenants do not restrict street parking, and although the City of Helena has local ordinance against it it's only if longer than 4 consecutive hours and an officer has documented the time. 3) Public Board Meeting - The HOA Board will hold another public meeting similar to the one that took place in September. This one will be held on Sunday, December 1st from 4:00 - 5:30pm in the clubhouse. All homeowners are invited to attend. Thank you everyone. We hope you have a great Thanksgiving and we will see you on Sunday! We are seven days away from the deadline for phase 1 of the proposed covenant amendment relating to rental restrictions. As a reminder the first phase requires us to receive a response from 25% of owners to show that there is enough interest for the community to hold a formal vote. The second phase is the actual vote and will require 67% of owners to vote in favor for the restrictions to pass. Right now we are still 15 responses short of the required amount needed to satisfy phase 1. If we do not get enough responses back by November 20th we cannot proceed to phase 2. If you have misplaced your response form I've attached a copy here. Also note SMS will have staff in the clubhouse tomorrow, Thursday the 14th, from 7:30AM - 11:00AM if you are unable to mail or email your form back. We will have copies on hand so all you would need to do is drop in, sign the response form, then be on your way. If you haven't yet submitted a response form please stop in tomorrow morning, thank you! We wanted to send out a few reminders relating to some ongoing or upcoming important items within Old Cahaba.
1) Compliance and ARC Policy Revisions- We sent an email blast on October 4th detailing the changes the Board approved with these two policies. Included in that communication was notice that these would take effect beginning Monday, November 4th. Those policies are attached to this email; please note that going forward these are the guidelines that will be followed. 2) Covenant Amendment Change - All homeowners were mailed information about a proposed amendment to the Association covenants regarding rentals. The first phase of this process involves sending back a signed response by Wednesday, November 20th. We need 335 responses received by that date and at the time of this writing we have received 294. If we do not get 335 responses by November 20th the community will be unable to formally vote to add rental restrictions. I have attached the original document that was mailed out. The Board has set up a Zoom meeting to discuss any questions homeowners may have. That virtual meeting will take place next Monday, November 11 from 6pm - 6:40pm and that link is here: 3) Public Board Meeting- The Board has scheduled another public Board meeting similar to the one that was held in September. This one will be held on Sunday, December 1st from 4:00 - 5:30PM in the clubhouse. For those unable to attend in person a virtual link will be created and sent prior to the meeting. We recently sent out information about the annual Halloween Decoration contest. Over 150 owners voted and the results are in! Congratulations to our top 3 winners:
1st Place - 4343 Old Cahaba Parkway (46 votes) 2nd Place - 978 Old Cahaba Drive (38 votes) 3rd Place - 4531 Old Cahaba Parkway (29 votes) Each winner will receive a prize that will be delivered by a Board member within the coming days. Thank you to all who participated in the contest as well as those who voted. We look forward to an even higher turnout next year. Congrats again to this year's winners! Happy Friday! We wanted to send out a couple reminders about some fun Halloween events coming up in the neighborhood.
WITCHES RIDE This year's ride takes place tomorrow night, Saturday the 26th, at 7:00PM. It will begin at the end of Old Cahaba Parkway nearest to the Madison Avenue cul-de-sac and make its way to the intersection at Old Cahaba Drive nearest to Highway 52. Everyone is invited to line up anywhere along OC Parkway to view the ride but please only gather on the ODD NUMBERED side of the street. This will be a big help both with the candy tossing and traffic. The mayor and HPD are aware of the ride and we are hopeful they will be able to assist with traffic at key points along the ride. HALLOWEEN DECORATION CONTEST The Board of Directors has narrowed down an extremely large and impressive field of contestants and it's now time for residents to vote for their favorite decorated home! Links below are for a Google form ballot to vote, as well as a neighborhood map showing each home's location. We encourage you to check out all the contestants before voting. The voting will end at midnight on Wednesday, October 30th. First, second, and third place winners will be announced on Halloween day. Good luck to all our finalists! Map: |
February 2025
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