If you are planning to participate in the Fall neighborhood yard sale, please sign up by clicking the link below,
by November 8th.
Whether you've lived in the OC for years, or you're brand new, it's safe to assume you've heard about Halloween in the hood!
Old Cahaba is WHERE IT'S AT on Halloween! From the spookiest decorations and the "good candy" to Grown-up Trick-or-Treating (yep... ;) ) the OC has you covered! We can't wait to see y'all Sunday, October 31st! *Check back frequently for updates. As of right now, we have more than SIXTY people signed up to participate!
More tricks, more treats, and a whoooole lot more fun! Please make plans to participate! Either join us in the parade, or line up along the LEFT SIDE of the Parkway (if you're heading towards Riverbend). Witches meet & line up at the OC Parkway/ Madison Ave loop by 6:30. We fly at 7! |